
It's a GIRL!

We found out today that we are having a little girl! Honestly, I was in complete shock for about 20 min. as I had always envisioned myself as being a mother to boys. Harrison did not take the news as well as we would have hoped and after a few tears were shed, he has become to enjoy the thoughts of being her protector and fending off the boys (he can use those muscles he has been working so hard to build)...he also likes the idea that he and his papa will be in the only "boys" in their club. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the thing is, that "girl" will be a ravishingly gorgeous little princes
just like the rest of greats... i am delighted, and eager and in love with the newbie .

and i send love for the bosemen
branch... babi....
how wonderful bless you all