
Raptor Festival and First Snow...

We were at Bridger Bowl today, taking in a beautiful fall day and supporting the Raptor Festival aka a reason to go to Bridger Bowl, drink beers, listen to music, let the kids run and take our season pass photos. It is raptor migration season, so we will keep our eyes peeled on the skies looking for all the wild birds traveling through the the Bridger Range. Harrison and I are getting excited about another season of skiing. Harrison has been talking about how to catch one of the elusive trolls that run around in his favorite ski run called Holy Gully. We will keep you posted.
 As you can see, an awesome afternoon with a dust of snow in the hills.
 H was stoked to get a face painting
 A crew of rag tag kids playing.

 Harrison's buddy Jake.

 Kirsten with one of the new additions
 And Patrick with the other new addition


Anonymous said...

oh how wonderful! there is never a boring moment for the Bozeman people.Can't help loving you and
noting how close you are to each other and how special and fun life is for you.

love and big hugs. [i wish you were just down the road a mile or so as it does get lonely here..]

charlie said...

You 3 have more fun, and more places to go than any Family has a right to....Beautiful Day... Babi, you are right wished they were just down the road too.. Luv to all MiMi

Anonymous said...

The panoramic photo is awesome. The hoot owl is a hoot and the new babies are adorable. Looks like so much fun and there is nothing better then, friends, kids, music and such beautiful scenery to soak it all in. Love to our Bozeman crew.
GMJo and Hoppi