
Love. Him.

Standing with the guns, so excited to go shoot targets!

This past month has cruised by and the date of baby #2 and having a 5 yr. old is quickly approaching. I am really trying to make these last 3 months all about Harrison (like it has ever been any other way) and to make it known just how much he is loved and cherished.  He has become so excited about helping take care of his little sister once she arrives; hopefully they both are prepared for what is to come!


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed my morning ritual of coffee in my Harrison mug, but oh my, how he has grown. Looking at the pictures on the mug and looking at this blog makes me wonder, how did time go by so fast?

H will be the best big brother and will give him a new purpose. He will learn so much from having a sibling and in many, many years down the road, the two of them will laugh and laugh at their memories together.
And you and Pat will cringe when they tell of their exploits, of which you knew nothing until they fess up.

Enjoy the week and I send love from Iowa!

Anonymous said...

i can hardly believe that Harrison has grown so much; I knew he was handsome and darling and so forth, but he is TALL..and time simply races with itself... i am eager for the baby... it is such a marvelous miracle this whole process of being born .. and belonging and loving and sharing...

\not quite Christmas, but stacks of love and hugs...babi

charlie said...

H. will truly be a help for his little sister as he takes charge..It will amaze you..They will have fun... Baba said to tell H. he is so Proud of his True little Marksman...BaBa luvs sharing his guns with H...Can"t wait to see ys.. luv Gramma G.