
Hoffman-Welu Visit

Patrick's family (Greg, MJ, Mendie, Jordan, Wyatt & Sylvie) all arrived to Montana on Thursday to attend his Artist Reception at the Missoula Art Museum. It was a great night filled with lots of laughter, spirits & food. We were lucky enough to have the Welu clan for 4 days & the Hoffman's for 6...the days were full of play and nights of leisure. 
They had worn each other out after a few hours of arrival...but sleep still did not come.
An evening of music under the Big Sky (that is until the rain came...and never left)

We all enjoyed a swim before the art opening...

The Missoula Art Museum

On Monday we went to Fairy Lake in the Bridger Mountain Range...no fish were caught.


Paula said...

Congrats to Pat.. The exhibit looks amazing. Too bad we're 10,000 miles away. Can't wait to see you guys in just a few weeks...

Anonymous said...

Greg just told me it was a fabulous interlude; a great great show,beautiful land scape and
super people.
Congratulations, Patrick;[an up and coming artist}, we are vey prpud of you..
This is love from the oldies at the ranch... love again...